Saturday, July 20, 2013

Whew! ...Let me say that again.... Whew!

So as most of you can tell, I really struggle with keeping up my blogs up to date. Let's be honest... I'm horrible at it - almost as horrible as dieting. Ok, I wont go there...

Lots going on at the Casa de Jameson these days! My step kiddos are here for the summer! Yay! In-laws have already visited (NO COMMENT), little brothers have come to visit.... wait - have I ever told you that I have 12 year old brothers?! They're twins! NO, THAT DOESN'T MEAN I'M STILL A TEENAGER. When I was 15 my mom remarried and decided to start a whole new family. Lucky for her, God decided to be comical and bless her with twin boys. And boy has she been paying for it ever since. LOL. JUST KIDDING MOM! OR AM I?!? muah-hahahahaha 

So anyway... we're still remodeling our house - and ya'll, can I be honest?? I'm SOOOO over it. My 'get up and go' - got up and left after the first week... and I ain't seen it since! I don't think it's ever coming back either. I'm ready for this whole process to be OVER - and you can bet your bottom dollar - I will NOT be doing this again.... ever.... never ever... no way.... I'd rather take a fork to the eye than do this again.... comprende? 

The unfortunately part - is that we still have a loooooonnnnnng way to go... *silently sobs*.... If I can live through this ordeal and keep my sanity - ya'll can just call me superwoman. HA!

Thankfully - the kids rooms were primarily finished when they got here (with the exception of building out their closets). And ya'll - we hadn't even told them that we bought the house!! It was a total surprise! The bad thing is that they remembered going to see houses when they visited at Christmas - this being the "oldest" one that we saw... so they immediately remembered it. I got a better reaction out of my DOG when she ran through it for the first time, than I did when the kids walked in. *sad face*

Oh well... can't win 'em all. 

I think their first night in their own room with their own things - and then swimming in the pool changed their minds a little bit. They've warmed up quite a bit, and we've tried to keep them entertained too. Miraculously, this has been one of the coolest summers we've had in years! Just as it was getting into the 100s - it began raining - and has rained for the last week and a half! So we're back in the 70s and 80s again!  We took advantage of the cool weather by taking the kids to the drive in movie! Yes! We have one! We had so much fun!! And can I just say - regardless of all the haters and speculation out there - I thought the Lone Ranger was a great movie!

I guess at this point, I should also update about my garden! It's alive and well! Everything is flowering -and I have a feeling we'll have more baby veggies in the next couple of weeks. My okra are growing like crazy! I've already picked two or three off the plant - I get about one okra a week. Not really sure what to do with one Okra - so I've just been collecting them. Only one plant is producing so far. As soon as they all start producing - I see a mess of pickled okra in my future. YIPPEE!!

Well I guess I'll stop for today - I'm pretty sure your head is already spinning. I have a couple funny stories that I'll share in my next blog. Never a dull moment at the Casa de Jameson. Thank ya'll for keeping up with me - and dont be a stranger! I love comments!!


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