Monday, July 1, 2013

We've got babies!

Well it's been a long time since I've written. Lots going on at the Casa de Jameson. My step kiddos are coming in 3 days for the summer, we're remodeling the house like crazy, and I've finally gotten my garden to bloom! YIPPEE!

Ok, so after 3 crops never got watered decided to go be with Jesus, I've finally gotten something to stay alive! It's not the original cast of garden vegetables that I started out with, but they've survived when everything else wanted to fail me - and we've finally got babies!

Baby Okra!!
Baby Passion Fruit!!
Ok, so technically, I didn't actually grow the passion fruit. IT WAS IN THE YARD WHEN WE BOUGHT THE HOUSE. But by jove... I'm taking credit for it's survival!

Besides okra and passion fruit, I've got tomato plants, watermelon, yellow squash, zucchini, cucumber and eggplant. None of which have bloomed, but they were all started from seed a little over a month ago. It could be the end of summer before I get any fruit... but you've got to start somewhere, right??

If this year is only a tester year for me to figure out how it all works, I think it's worth it... but wouldn't it be fabulous to have a few jars of pickled okra, some fried green tomatoes, grilled squash, eggplant Parmesan and a whole lot of cold watermelon by the pool this summer?!

Here's to hoping this is one AMAZING summer!


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