Monday, April 22, 2013

The Color Run 2013 Tulsa Oklahoma

WOW! This last weekend was FILLED with excitement. The Hubs and I headed to Tulsa so that I could participate in The Color Run! For those of you not familiar with The Color Run, here is the promo:

SO! Have you ever heard that saying, "Friend of a friend of a friend?" Well... that explained my running team! HAHA! My friend, Cristi, was there to meet a blogger friend of hers, and then we met friends of that friend and even a friend of that friend too! We were all on the same running team and got lots of good pictures together. It's so nice to meet new people. Makes the world seem a little bit smaller.

Did I mention that there were over 13,000 people there?! They had to send us running in groups of 1000. Thankfully, we were one of the first groups! And I should mention at this point, that I walked the race instead of running. The only time you'd see me running is if someone was chasing me with a knife. I'm NOT a runner.

So off we went! Roaming the streets of Tulsa in tutu's and covered in colored chalk. They actually had color "zones" along the trail where there were workers prepared to chase you down the street and coat you with color. Heck, the orange zone got so excited, I got slapped in the face with the orange chalk bottle. It bounced off my face and flew into the crowd so she had to chase it down. I got chalk all in my ear, and not to be gross... but suffice it to say, blowing my nose was a colorful experience for a couple of days. LOL.

I know that walking a 5k should be a serious feat... but life is too short not to stop for every photo opportunity possible! They had so many adorable props along the way, it was hard not to pass them up! Oompa Loompa Doopadee Doo....

Not to mention all the people who came dressed up in tutu's and costumes. Shout out to the guy with the spikey blue mohawk... and the person who walked the whole race with a laundry basket on their head with white balloons tubes sticking thru it. Looked like a large white coral that you could see from a mile away. Props for creativity!

When it was all said and done... we literally jumped for JOY. And believe me... that was all the energy we had left. Immediately after this picture was taken, we all stole wheelchairs and had our husbands wheel us back to the car. HA! Just kidding. (DARN! I SHOULD HAVE THOUGHT OF THAT!) The truth is that our husbands made us walk another mile to the car. UPHILL. (ARE THEY TRYING TO TELL US SOMETHING??!)

It took me a good 45 minutes just to get all the color washed out of my hair and off my skin. Somehow, it got past my top shirt and undershirt and colored my skin! Yall, it was even between my toes! Somehow it got thru my shoes and socks and stained my toes! (HOW COULD THAT HAPPEN?!) YUCK! Seriously, I looked like a smurf. My husband had to keep "inspecting" me for places that I missed. I used almost an entire bar of hotel soap and shampoo to get clean. (YES I WAS THAT DIRTY.) I felt like the little kid who keeps having to go back in the bathroom to re-wash their hands because they aren't clean enough.

So after feeling like we were dying resting up all afternoon, we decided to venture out and grab some dinner. It was so fun to get all gussied up and go out with our friends!

We went to the Melting Pot. Have you had it??! It was my first time. There are no words! I can't begin to describe how wonderful it was. Cheese Fondue with fruit, veggies and bread.... then meats that you cook in your own broth along with WONDERFUL dips... and the final course blew the rest away....

...incredibly smooth chocolate with melted peanut butter added and a plate full of goodies to coat. Cheesecake, red velvet, strawberries, rice crispies, marshmallows, bananas, brownies... OH MY! 

A perfect ending to a perfect day, and an experience that I will remember for life! (I'M TALKING ABOUT THE DINNER) Just kidding! The race too! (BUT MAINLY THE DINNER) Kidding again! (OR AM I?)


Cristi Atchley said...

I'm so glad you came this weekend! There are no words to describe the FUN!!! Girl, when we're old and gray... we will still laugh about it all!

And heck yes about the nose blowing. Same here... grody to the max! Not to mention, we walked an additional mile back to the car, uphill, barefoot... and it even started to snow!!! Waaahaha! Whatever happened to valet parking???

Also, can you believe that wacky woman at dinner that drank three huge glasses of wine??? What was HER problem? Must've had a rough morning or somethin'! *wink* It's a miracle she could even SEE STRAIGHT!!! (I'm dying over here!) Her husband really should have cut her off... #whoscountinganyway


Unknown said...

LOL! So funny! YES, it was a blast. We loved every minute of it. And the wine was fantabulous. I slept like a baby all night. ;) And that lady who had the 3 glasses of wine made the evening all the more fun. Makes me think that I should have had another glass! Love you too!!

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