Monday, April 15, 2013

Casa de Jameson

WOW! Has it been a long time since I've blogged or WHAT? Been a little busy. You remember that big, ugly, old house that I posted about before?? Well........ IT'S OURS!

We moved in on Easter weekend, so the past few months have been crazy busy with packing, moving and remodeling. I'll post a few remodel pictures in the next few days, but at this very moment, I am sitting on my back porch, looking down at our ugly green pool that needs to be cleaned and watching the birds fly all over our yard.

I am enjoying the break. It's nice to work hard, but there are moments in life when you just need to sit down, inhale the fresh air and let the pool look like a swamp. Fresh air is good for the SOUL... and not enough people take the time to get a whiff of it!

I'm a country girl at heart, so there is nothing more relaxing than hearing the birds chirp and feeling the cool breeze while watching the sun set. Well... maybe sitting in front of a fireplace sipping hot cocoa on a snowy night. OR taking a steaming hot bubble bath when your muscles are tired and achy. OR eating a cold juicy watermelon on a hot summer day. What about sitting on the beach listening to the waves? Oh wait! Snuggling up by a fire-pit in the middle of fall with the smell of burning wood! Mmmmm!!

Ok, so obviously there are quite a few things that are equally as relaxing... but you get my point!

I SO look forward to coming home in the evenings after work and watching red birds, and blue birds, and mocking birds and birds that I don't know how to identify... fly all over our yard and sing all sorts of love songs... while the neighbors dog (Sam) chases them all up and down the fence barking until his tongue is hanging to the ground, and then the neighborhood squirrel trying to scavenge our gutters. He's a chunky  hefty ...let's just say he's 'healthy'. WAY healthier than the other starved neighborhood squirrels. In fact, he's so 'fluffy', that he doesn't even run when cars drive by. He can be right by the road and he just freezes like a statue in mid-motion, hoping they wont see him. (HOW IN THE WORLD DOES HE GET HIS CHUNKY BOO-TAY UP ON THOSE GUTTERS?) Oh well... he is a CUTIE! I think I'll start praying for his health. We need more pot-bellied squirrels in the world to give us a good chuckle.

Well I guess that's all for now! Until next time... go outside and fill up those lungs with some FRESH air! You'll live longer. ;)


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